Armadillidium sp “Marbleized”

Armadillidium sp Marbleized are one of the smallest species within their genus. These tiny little isopods are native to Spain, and prefer high humidity. This is a moisture loving species, spending most of their time on the damp side of the enclosure. Like most Armadillidium sp, they have medium sized broods and breed very well once established. Gestation period is around 60 days, as long as the proper conditions have been met, they will breed all year round.

Like most European species, ventilation plays a large part in wether or not the species will thrive. Good air flow is crucial when keeping this species, so make sure you have proper ventilation if you’re planning on keeping this species. A minimum of 25-30% of their enclosure should have damp moss, as they prefer to live in high humidity levels. They can be a very active species and are typically not very timid.

Marbleized isopods have become a very sought after species within the hobby. Even though they may be some of the smallest, they make up for it by also being some of the most prolific species within the genus. They medium sized broods of around 10-40+ babies at a time. Making them a very rewarding species to keep!

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